Tuesday, October 19, 2010


工会已委任Messrs Vicknewsaren & Associates 代表怡保办事处会员温秋仪、吴健芳、许碧芳,起诉南洋商报於2009年4月28日开除她们的案件。
The union has appointed the services of Messrs Vicknewsaren & Associates (lawyers) to represent Ng Kim Fong, Khor Paik Hwa and Won Chiew Yee of Ipoh Office Nanyang Siang Pau who were dismissed by the company on 28/4/2009.

Monday, October 11, 2010




劳资双方于10月8日早上9时在工业法庭见面,鉴于馆方无回复陈词书,法官遂下令馆方在22/10须呈上陈词书,而劳资双方须于29/10在工业法庭内谈判 ,缩小双方的劳资合约纠纷范围,法官订6/1/2011听审。

The Co's Human Resource representative did not turn up at the case management fixed on 8-10-10 at the Industrial Court to narrow down the dispute in the CA. The Co. was represented by MEF.

The Court then fixed the following :-

22-10-10 : the Co. is required to submit its Statement of Reply to the Court without fail.
29-10-10 : case discussion to narrow down issues.
6-1-2011 : case hearing.